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Best Content

of The Last Year!

The most Liked content on our Instagram throughout 2021! This year was a bit of a rollercoaster, we took a lot of breaks, and didn't upload as much as before, but the quality of the comics only got better!

Most liked Comic on Instagram!

"The Last Sinister Six Member"

Surprisingly the last comic of the year was the most successful one. With 33 likes, this comic shows the real villain of movies, shows, games, books, and real life.

Most liked Illustration on Instagram!

All of them what the heck.

Usually, we'd put the drawing that had the most likes on our Instagram, but the highest amount of likes that any drawing made was 20 likes... and 4 drawings had 20! The drawings are:

1. Fury Bowser

2. Happy MAR10 Day!

3. Pac-Guy

4. May the Fourth!

congrats, i guess

Most viewed video on YouTube!

"Really Big Announcement!"

This video was huge! It was when we announced this very website, it was a huge milestone... although the animation itself is really bad, the ad and the thumbnail were the best parts, change my mind. At the time of writing this, this animation has 47 views. 



Letter C

we have created

Home: Characters
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Mr. Frog Face

By CRostLi (in 2018)

Calvin Frog Face is a 30 year old toad from Planet Girth, a planet that's like Earth but with alien anthropomorphic frogs instead (yes you heard that right). He fought in the great intergalactic amphibian war, after the war he went to work on an office, got married, and had a baby girl, although after some years his scientist brother Carl convinced him to dawn a cape and a weird hat and travel to other planets through portals and save people and fight crime. That's when he became a "superhero".


In an interview that was done with Frog Face in 2018 when he was asked about bring a superhero he said:


"Superhero? Huh? No... I don't consider myself a superhero, just a friendly helper that... has a cape and... flies and... fights crime... and... well perhaps I'm a bit of a superhero..."



By SIM (in 2020)

Shonpipe is a Turkey superhero that is a hero... and stuff... His origin is that he was just a normal not-anthropomorphic turkey just walking through the forest when he finds a guy named Shawn that had a hat, a tie and smoked a Pipe coming home from work. The turkey was chill until he remembered that Shawn ate his wife last year's Thanksgiving... he wanted revenge!!! ... SO HE FREAKING ATE THE GUY (no joke). But when he ate it he inherited Shawn's human conscience and all of a sudden wore the human's hat and tie, as a human-minded turkey he decided to use that power for good and to help people, he also decided to make his superhero name a tribute to Shawn (who smoked a Pipe) and named himself Shonpipe! Not ShawnpipeShonpipe. (Shonpipe is also a reference that in spanish a way of saying turkey is Chompipe)


There was an interview with Shonpipe in December of 2020 where he said:


"Plop, gobble gobble, plop plop"


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Pig Pog

By CRostLi (in 2015)

Pog is an 8 year-old pig that somehow owns a hotel called Pogtel, he lives in New Pork City in planet Sween (basically Earth but with anthropomorphic pigs instead of humans). He wants to be an architect when he grows up and is a successful business man despite of his age.

In an interview in 2016 Pog commented about having a hotel at his age:


"Well... ummm... like.... umm... it was on sale so I decided to um... buy it, and that makes me the legal owner if the building... something I think is pretty cool"


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Corporal Lino

By Marqui (in 2019)

Corporal Lino is a soldier from the military alliance that teams up with the good guys in most mayor intergalactic wars, for example he fought with Mr. Frog Face in the Great Amphibian War when the Salamandrian Government declared war on all amphibian planets for no apparent reason. Lino strongly believes that the universe needs peace and is willing to fight for that.

Mo' The Millionaire Pigeon

By CRostLi (in 2018)

Mortimer Williams Pigeonovsky the Second is a bird that has 2 Million dollars in his pockets alone, he is clearly a Multi-billionaire celebrity that is rich despite not doing anything to achieve that because it's all his dead father's inheritance. He's a spoiled, good for nothing, selfish, greedy narcissistic maniac that... well he's not that, he's actually quite a nice guy albeit short-minded and a bit too full of himself.


In an interview done in 2019 done by Forbes he said the following:


"I don't want to be known as the millionaire who all he did to earn his money was be part of the correct bloodline, I want to do something to feel like I won it, because like this it just feels like a hand-me-down"


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The Silent Fart 

By SIM (and a little bit by CRostLi) (in 2019)

Oh boy, now this guy's origin is a biggie.  Ryan Hendrix is a normal office man in San Francisco. After the murder of his wife he met Expothe ancient god of the elements who more than a million years ago lost the Elemental Orbes, the only one he could recover was The Gas Orbe and and The Fire Orbe because when he the Orbes were stolen from him, Hexpxon (the guy who stole the orbes) converted Expo into the Fire Orbe, and that's why now he is weird fire ball with a face. Anyways, Expo convinces Ryan to become a superhero and recover the Orbes from Hexpon (the ancient god of destruction) who is still ruling. Ryan's power are gasses since the only Orbe that Expo could recover (as you already know) was the Gas Orbe, and since Ryan is a stupid-dumb-stupid-head  Ryan calls his power Farts and makes his superhero name The Silent Fart.

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Steve the Blom 

By Marqui (in 2019)

Steve is an enthusiastic pilot, he is a really" fun guy that is really positive most of the time, for better or worse. Sometimes he can get really irritated.... a lot actually. I mean, he's really a happy guy but when he gets angry he gets angry. I remember one day I was talking to him about including him in this website description thingy and he was like: "Ok" then I told him that I was going to talk about his temper and he just said "What" not like in a "what?" way, or a "WHAT?!?!?" just a "what"


The Oink Oink Gang

The Enslaved Humans that work for our soulless corporation

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Big Creative, "Business guy"

Marx isn't actually part of the Business team (A.K.A. no one) we just say that because he's the most-mature and serious of the group who always puts us in line when we notice that our marketing plans don't make any sense. He's also the creator of some big and memorable characters.


And yes, he does have two arms, in the drawing it just seems like he only has one because I was too lazy to draw fingers.



Big Creative, Concept Artist

Sim is the Ultimate-Weeb-Guy in Oink Oink Inc. He's a big character designer who is really enthusiastic about stuff. He's a ginormous fan of Anime and anime and... I'll just let Sim explain his love for the medium:


"I would describe it as an obsession"



Concept Artist, Big Creative

Toms is a Talented Illustrator that works here. He's like the "Horror Guy" of the group because he really likes Horror films when the rest of us would probably pee our own pants in the first 8 minutes of Stephen King's IT.  Like the rest of us he likes Marvel and Star Wars.



Marketing and Public Relations

K.B.R. is our Marketing and Public Relations person even though she doesn't handle the social media accounts and hasn't done anything yet because she was just hired yesterday, we just hired her because she knew how to use Tik Tok, which is more knowledge than any of us have. Also she insisted on being called by those initials even though they don't make any sense!!!


Oink Oink Inc.


Thanks for coming to our Website



Big Creative, "Business guy"

The self-proclaimed "C.E.O." of Oink Oink Inc. Comics. The founder of Oink Oink Inc. is the one who created all the social media accounts, website, and the comics in them. He likes to call himself "classy" and "cool" even though there's little to no evidence that what he says is true. If you interact with him through the Oink Oink Inc accounts through social media or mail, it'll probably be him who responds.

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